Diploma in Information Technology (DITe)

Diploma in Information Technology (DITe)
About Program
MQA Reference No. KPT/JPS[R/0611/4/0174]:MQA/FA9250(07/28)
Course Stage Diploma /Stage 4 Malaysian Qualifications Framework (KKM)
Program Field 482 – Computer Use
Medium Language Bahasa Malaysia and English
Offering Method Conventional
Study Scheme Full Time
Teaching Method Lectures, tutorials, training and industrial training
Graduate Credit 91 credit
Study Period 2 years 6 months (5 Long Semester and 2 Short Semester)

Zarina Binti Abdul Aziz

Diploma in Information Technology or DITe for short is a program under the School of Accounting, Management and Technology (SPPT) at Kolej Profesional Baitulmal Kuala Lumpur. The first intake was in July 2020. It has been fully accredited by the Malaysian Qualification Agency (MQA) with reference number MQA/FA9250 starting on 29/07/2022. MQA has made improvements for the 3rd edition of the computing program standard where several new courses have been added in the existing course format with the aim of prospective Diploma in Information Technology students being exposed to the latest issues and trends in the field of computing and information technology.

Diploma in Information Technology (DITe) can produce graduates who are competent in the field of information technology in addition to be competitive in meeting the needs of employers and industries in Malaysia and internationally. Information Technology graduates are trained to focus on the application, use and configuration needs of organizations in a broad spectrum. They have a specific focus in meeting organizational needs arising from the field of information technology. They are responsible for selecting the right hardware and software for an organization, integrating it with the organization’s needs, infrastructure, as well as installing, and maintaining the application.

This program will produce graduates who:

  • Are capable of applying knowledge, understanding, and analyzing issues and the needs of employers or industries.
  • are capable of leading and collaborating in teams to solve cross-disciplinary problems through effective communication and critical thinking.
  • continuously enhance their knowledge and capable of keeping pace with the current ICT infrastructure advancements to explore new opportunities.
  • consistently uphold values, ethics, morals, manners, and professionalism in providing services.
  • can work effectively in planning, implementing, configuring and maintaining an organisation’s computing infrastructure. They are prepared to succeed in roles involving planning and managing technological infrastructure.
  • Passed SPM with at least a credit in 3 subjects including Mathematics
  • OR O-Level with at least a Grade C in 3 subjects including Mathematics
  • OR Passed SKM Level 3 in a related field and passed SPM with at least a credit in Mathematics at the SPM level
  • OR Passed Community College Certificate equivalent to MQF Level 3 in a related field and passed SPM with at least a credit in Mathematics at the SPM level
  • OR Passed other equivalent qualifications to a certificate (MQF Level 3) with a credit in Mathematics at the SPM level (Candidates without a credit in Mathematics at the SPM level can be admitted if the certificate program includes a Mathematics subject equivalent to Mathematics at the SPM level)
  • OR STPM or equivalent with at least a Grade C (CGPA 2.00) in 1 subject and a credit in Mathematics at the SPM level
  • OR STAM (Maqbul grade) with a credit in Mathematics at the SPM level
  • OR Other qualifications recognized by the Malaysian Government
  • Tuition Fee and Registration Fee : RM25,348.00
  • Total fees for the duration of the course : RM29,428.00
  • Hostel Accommodation Fee : RM4,080.00

*subject to current amendments

Diploma in Information Technology graduates can pursue careers as:

  • Information Technology Entrepreneurs
  • Company Managers
  • Marketing Officers
  • Business Development Officers
  • Internet Business Analysis Officers

Graduates of the Diploma in Information Technology (Entrepreneurship) can pursue their studies at the Bachelor’s degree level at any public university (IPTA) and private university (IPTS) that offer related programs.

Panel Penilai Luar Program

Penilai Luar (Akademik) :

En. Mohd Azhar Bin Abd Wahab
Pengarah Urusan Zettasoft Sdn Bhd sejak 1997. Beliau juga adalah Penyelia program Latihan Industri untuk pelajar IPTA/IPTS dalam bidang Teknologi Maklumat dan Technopreneurship. Beliau memiliki Ijazah Sarjana Muda Sains Komputer dari Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM), Sarjana Sains (Technopreneurship) dari Universiti Utara Malaysia Malaysia (UUM), dan Sarjana dalam bidang Teknologi Maklumat dari Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM). Beliau mempunyai kepakaran dalam bidang pengaturcaraan dan grafik seperti PHP, IBM Domino, MS Visualbasic, COBOL, ANSI C, PASCAL, Fortran, JAVA, Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, Macromedia Dreamweaver dan HTML. Bagi kepakaran komputer pula, beliau mempunyai kepakaran menggunakan PC & Server maintenances, biometric solution, computer networking, Project Management in Software Development, Ruckus CCTV, IT Training, Software Engineering, Database Management (Microsoft SQL & MySQL) & ICT consultation.

Penilai Luar (Industri):

Prof. Madya Dr. Mohd Hizam Hanafiah Timbalan Dekan (Pascasiswazah) di Fakulti Ekonomi dan Pengurusan serta pensyarah Pengurusan dan Keusahawanan di Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM). Beliau memperoleh PhD dalam bidang Keusahawanan dari University of Essex, United Kingdom. Bidang penyelidikannya adalah dalam bidang keusahawanan, francais, pengurusan strategik dan pembangunan SME. Beliau telah terlibat dalam 42 projek penyelidikan dan menerbitkan dan mengarang bersama 24 buku dan lebih daripada 90 makalah akademik dalam pelbagai jurnal dan prosiding yang diadili. Beliau adalah Editorial Board for Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation in Emerging Economies (SAGE), Amity Journal of Entrepreneurship (Amity University) dan Global Advances in Business Studies (Universitas Negeri Jakarta), selain pengulas untuk 10 jurnal akademik yang diindeks oleh WOS, Scopus dan MyCite. Beliau juga telah terlibat dalam industri francais sejak tahun 2000 sebagai pelatih, perunding, penyelidik dan merupakan Pengerusi Anugerah Francais Malaysia dari tahun 2011-2014. Selanjutnya, beliau juga memiliki pengalaman lebih dari 20 tahun dalam latihan dan pengembangan francais, keusahawanan dan pengurusan. Beliau adalah Penilai Kanan untuk Agensi Kelayakan Malaysia (MQA) sejak tahun 2004, terlibat dengan projek perundingan dengan syarikat swasta, universiti swasta dan agensi kerajaan.


Operation Hours

  • Monday – Friday : 9.00 a.m. to 5.00 p.m.

Break Time

  • Monday – Thursday : 12.30 p.m. to 2.00 p.m.
  • Friday: 12.45 p.m. to 2.45 p.m.
KPBKL operations are closed on weekends (Saturday and Sunday) and on Malaysian public holidays.
For enquiries regarding program fees, please contact:
For enquiries regarding student sponsorship, please contact:
For enquiries regarding Student Dormitory Placement, please contact:

KPBKL Homegrown Program

The main program offered by Baitulmal Professional College Kuala Lumpur

UiTM Collaborative Program

A collaboration program between Baitulmal Professional College Kuala Lumpur and UiTM.

Association Of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA)

An international-level program under the supervision of the School of Accounting, Management & Technology.

ACCA-FIA (ACCA Foundation In Accountancy)

Introduced at Baitulmal Professional College Kuala Lumpur to replace the Certified Accounting Technician (CAT).

Working Mode Program

Special programs for working students to continue their studies at Baitulmal Professional College Kuala Lumpur

Short Courses

Short courses for certification offered at Baitulmal Professional College Kuala Lumpur


Board of Director

YBhg. Dr. Ruziah Binti Ghazali is a prominent leader in Malaysia’s Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) sector, recognized with the Special Award for Master Coach in Education Development from TVETecoUSIM. She advocates for Islamic TVET and supports individuals with disabilities, contributing to the book “Nothing is Impossible – Success Stories of Persons with Disabilities.”

As a scholar and Islamic Woman Entrepreneur, she focuses on women’s and community development and was honored as Tokoh Saidatina Aishah during National Women’s Day in 2021.

Dr. Ruziah holds a PhD in Educational Development from Universiti Putra Malaysia, a Master of Science in Educational Science, and a Bachelor of Arts (Hons) in Islamic Studies from the University of Malaya. She is also a licensed Company Secretary and Tax Agent.