Diploma in Halal Industry Management (DPIH)

Diploma in Halal Industry Management (DPIH)
About Program


No. Rujukan Program KPT/JPS[N/345/4/0889]:MQA/FA5839(12/25)
Tahap Program Diploma /Tahap 4 Kerangka Kelayakan Malaysia
Bidang Program 345 Pentadbiran dan Pengurusan (Management and administration)
Bahasa Pengantar Bahasa Melayu
Kaedah Pengajaran Konvensional
Mod Program Sepenuh masa
Kaedah Pengajaran Kuliah, tutorial, latihan ilmiah dan latihan industri
Kredit Bergraduat 91 kredit
Tempoh Pengajian 2 tahun 6 bulan (5 Semester Panjang 2 Semester Pendek)


Nur Salihah Buang

Diploma in Halal Industry Management (DPIH) is offered to expose students to the latest and most convincing ways of managing and operating in the halal industry.

Diploma in Halal Industry Management (DPIH) was first introduced at Baitulmal Professional College Kuala Lumpur (KPBKL) in April 2016. This program is run by lecturers with extensive experience in halal industry matters. Students learn through lectures, tutorials, scientific training, and industrial training.

To produce competent graduates in halal industry management and to be competitive to meet the needs of employers and the halal industry in Malaysia and internationally. The diploma offers courses relevant to the current industrial needs in accordance with the latest level of study. The courses offered are:

a. Fundamentals of Halal and Haram
b. Usul Fiqh
c. Halal certification
d. Halal Management System
e. Halal auditing
f. Halal Cosmetics and Pharmaceuticals
g. Halal Food Service
h. Halal Supply Chain
i. Halal Slaughtering
j. Food Safety Management
k. Fundamentals of Islamic Entrepreneurship
l. Operations Management

  • Passed SPM with at least 3 honors in any subject OR
  • Passed STPM with at least Grade C (NGMP 2.00) in any subject OR Passed STAM at least Grade Maqbul OR Certificate (Level 3 MQF) in any related field with a minimum CGPA of 2.00 OR
  • Passed Certificate (SKM) Level 3, in a recognized related field and Passed SPM with 1 honors OR
  • Other qualifications recognized as equivalent by the Malaysian Government.
  • Yuran Pengajian dan Yuran Pendaftaran : RM20,948.00
  • Yuran keseluruhan sepanjang tempoh kursus : RM25,028.00
  • Yuran Penginapan Asrama : RM4,080.00

*tertakluk kepada pindaan semasa

  • Religious Admin Assistant at any State Islamic Religious Department / State Islamic Religious Council, Halal Certification Officer,
  • Halal Certificate Enforcement Officer / RND Officer in Halal Products at the Malaysian Islamic Development Department (JAKIM).
  • Executive Assistant in any company/firm/organization. External Evaluation Panel of the External Assessor (Academic) Program.

Opportunities to Further Education:
1. Halal Management
2. Business Administration (IPTA/IPTS)
3. Islamic Studies (IPTA/IPTS)
4. Muamalat Studies (IPTA/IPTS)

Panel Penilai Luar Program

Penilai Luar (Akademik)

Dr. Zalina Binti Zakaria – Pensyarah Senior di Department of Syariah & Law, Academy of Islamic Studies di Universiti Malaya (UM). Beliau memiliki Ijazah Doktor Falsafah dalam bidang Undang-undang dari University of Manchester, United Kingdom. Beliau juga adalah Pengarah Pusat Penyelidikan Halal UM (UMHRC) dan ahli Korean Association of Islamic Studies, International Member, 2018 (International). Bidang kepakaran beliau adalah dalam Cosmetic Safety Regulations, Halal Laws and Regulations dan Consumer Law.

Penilai Luar (Industri)

En Mohd Azimi Bin Mohd Basri – adalah pemegang Ijazah Sarjana Muda Teknologi (Kepujian) jurusan Teknologi Makanan dari Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM). Beliau mempunyai pengalaman luas dalam bidang Keselamatan Makanan & Halal di mana beliau pernah bekerja dengan pelbagai syarikat seperti Persatuan Unit Halal Jepun (JHUA), Movie Animation Park Studios – MAPS Perak, JHW Reels Resources Sdn Bhd dan banyak lagi. Kini beliau memegang jawatan sebagai Pengurus Pematuhan Kesihatan dan Keselamatan F&B di Legoland Malaysia Resort. Tanggungjawabnya ialah mengatur Program Kelulusan Pembekal untuk Legoland Malaysia Resort. Di samping itu, beliau juga bertanggungjawab untuk membangun, melaksanakan, memantau, dan menjaga Sistem keselamatan makanan dan membuat senarai semak keselamatan makanan & jaminan halal dalam makanan. Beliau juga terlibat dalam Latihan Halal (HPB & MIHA) di Pusat Penyelidikan Halal Universiti Malaya, Kolej Profesional Baitulmal Kuala Lumpur (KPBKL), Sekolah Perniagaan Islam Universiti Utara Malaysia (IBSUUM) dan Politeknik Tuanku Syed Sirajuddin Perlis (PTSS). Beliau telah memperoleh pelbagai anugerah seperti BeSS Certification Recognition oleh KKM (untuk Legoland Malaysia Resort), tempat ke-2 untuk Pertandingan Video Keselamatan Makanan oleh Jabatan Kesihatan Johor, pengiktirafan School of Food Handler oleh KKM (untuk Legoland Malaysia Resort), Merlin Group Food Audit Keselamatan untuk tahun 2018 (HIJAU) dan banyak lagi.


Operation Hours

  • Monday – Friday : 9.00 a.m. to 5.00 p.m.

Break Time

  • Monday – Thursday : 12.30 p.m. to 2.00 p.m.
  • Friday: 12.45 p.m. to 2.45 p.m.
KPBKL operations are closed on weekends (Saturday and Sunday) and on Malaysian public holidays.
For enquiries regarding program fees, please contact:
For enquiries regarding student sponsorship, please contact:
For enquiries regarding Student Dormitory Placement, please contact:

KPBKL Homegrown Program

The main program offered by Baitulmal Professional College Kuala Lumpur

UiTM Collaborative Program

A collaboration program between Baitulmal Professional College Kuala Lumpur and UiTM.

Association Of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA)

An international-level program under the supervision of the School of Accounting, Management & Technology.

ACCA-FIA (ACCA Foundation In Accountancy)

Introduced at Baitulmal Professional College Kuala Lumpur to replace the Certified Accounting Technician (CAT).

Working Mode Program

Special programs for working students to continue their studies at Baitulmal Professional College Kuala Lumpur

Short Courses

Short courses for certification offered at Baitulmal Professional College Kuala Lumpur


Board of Director

YBhg. Dr. Ruziah Binti Ghazali is a prominent leader in Malaysia’s Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) sector, recognized with the Special Award for Master Coach in Education Development from TVETecoUSIM. She advocates for Islamic TVET and supports individuals with disabilities, contributing to the book “Nothing is Impossible – Success Stories of Persons with Disabilities.”

As a scholar and Islamic Woman Entrepreneur, she focuses on women’s and community development and was honored as Tokoh Saidatina Aishah during National Women’s Day in 2021.

Dr. Ruziah holds a PhD in Educational Development from Universiti Putra Malaysia, a Master of Science in Educational Science, and a Bachelor of Arts (Hons) in Islamic Studies from the University of Malaya. She is also a licensed Company Secretary and Tax Agent.