

Soalan Peperiksaan Lepas


Lain-lain Perkhidmatan


Isnin hingga Jumaat : 08.30AM – 10.00 PM
Sabtu : 10.00AM – 03.00PM (SESI 1) / 8.00PM – 10.00PM (SESI 2)
Ahad : 10.00AM – 03.00PM (SESI 1) / 8.00PM – 10.00PM (SESI 2)
Cuti Umum : 10.00AM – 03.00PM (SESI 1) / 8.00PM – 10.00PM (SESI 2)


Isnin hingga Jumaat : 08.30AM – 05.30 PM
Sabtu, Ahad, Cuti Umum : TUTUP


Pelan Antirasuah Nasional 2019-2023


Kursus Integriti dan Rasuah


Filsafat Hukum Islam Maqashid Syariah


Berpikir Kritis
Kecakapan Hidup di Era Digital


Soalan Peperiksaan Lepas

Buku-Buku Terkini

Kamus Haji Dan Umrah

Author : Prof. Madya Dr. Jamalluddin bin Hashim

Publisher : Yayasan Islam Terengganu

ISBN : 9789672614067

Call No. : 297.35203 JAM 2023

The content of this dictionary is sourced from recognized fiqh books in the Mazhab Syafie, resolutions from the National Hajj Conference, circulars from Tabung Haji in the Holy Land, and publications by Tabung Haji. This dictionary is suitable as a quick reference for all levels of readers, especially prospective pilgrims of Hajj and Umrah, as well as Hajj and Umrah guides. The information contained in this dictionary is the most current and up-to-date.

Syarh: Panduan Lengkap Ke Arah Kesempurnaan Ibadah Haji Dan Umrah

Author : Datuk Dr. Zulkifli Mohamad al-Bakri

Publisher : Pustaka Cahaya Kasturi Sdn Bhd

ISBN : 9789672028390

Call No. : 297.3524 IMA 2023

Understand the wonders and beauty of the pilgrimage of Hajj and Umrah with Al-Taudhih Syarh Al-Idhah, traced through this great work by Imam al-Nawawi. Meanwhile, Dato Seri Dr. Zulkifli Mohamad Al-Bakri simplifies it by providing explanations and translations for the readers. This comprehensive book covers detailed discussions on the etiquette of Hajj and Umrah, making it an essential resource for Muslims in Malaysia.

Sirah Nabawiyyah

Author : Saffiyu Al-Rahman Al-Mubarakfuri

Publisher : Yayasan Dakwah Islamiah Malaysia

ISBN : 9789839878455

Call No. : 297.63 SAF 2021

The life journey of the last messenger of Allah SWT and the responsibility of His Prophet in conveying Islamic teachings on this earth. His struggle was full of twists and turns, his life journey was filled with joys and sorrows, hardships, and sufferings that might be unbearable for other humans. However, the teachings of monotheism and faith that he conveyed have achieved remarkable success as per the will of Allah SWT.

Management And Cost Accounting Eleventh Edition

Author : Colin Drury And Mike E Tayles

Publisher : Cengage Learning EMEA

ISBN : 9781473773615

Call No. : 658.1511 DRU 2021

In its eleventh edition, the book retains its trademark clear and accessible style, covering everything students need to know for their accounting career and exams. Every chapter has been updated to include an “Employability Skills” question, new review problems from accounting examination bodies and recent examples of well-known international organizations such as ACCA, CIMA and ATT. The new edition also includes introductions to emerging new technologies such as big data and AI.

Beyond Fintech : Technology Application For The Islamic Economy

Author : Hazik Mohamed

Publisher : World Scientific Publishing Co.PteLtd.

ISBN : 9789811222306

Call No. : 332.091767 HAZ 2021

Beyond Fintech: Technology Applications for the Islamic Economy is a follow-up to the first-ever Islamic Fintech book by the author (published in 2018) that provided linkages between Islamic Finance and disruptive technologies like the blockchain. In the wake of fintech as a new trend in financial markets, the ground-breaking book stressed the relevance of Islamic finance and its implications, when enabled by fintech, towards the development of the Islamic digital economy.

Impact Of Zakat On Sustainable Economic Development

Author : Adel Sarea

Publisher : IGI Global

ISBN : 9781799834526

Call No. : 338.9 IMP 2021

This book is a pivotal reference source that contributes practical solutions and knowledge production in alleviating poverty in Muslim countries by adopting Islamic approaches to contemporary socio-economics and the importance of Zakat in sustaining development and supporting the welfare of society


Ahli Lembaga Pengarah

YBhg. Dr. Ruziah Binti Ghazali adalah pemimpin terkemuka dalam sektor Pendidikan dan Latihan Teknikal dan Vokasional (TVET) di Malaysia, yang diiktiraf dengan Anugerah Khas sebagai Jurulatih Utama dalam Pembangunan Pendidikan dari TVETecoUSIM. Beliau aktif mempromosikan TVET Islam dan menyokong individu kurang upaya, serta menyumbang kepada buku “Tiada yang Mustahil – Kisah Kejayaan Orang Kurang Upaya.”

Sebagai seorang cendekiawan dan Usahawan Wanita Islam, beliau memberi tumpuan kepada pembangunan wanita dan komuniti, dan telah dianugerahkan Tokoh Saidatina Aishah sempena Hari Wanita Kebangsaan pada tahun 2021.

Dr. Ruziah memiliki PhD dalam Pembangunan Pendidikan dari Universiti Putra Malaysia, Sarjana Sains dalam Sains Pendidikan, dan Ijazah Sarjana Muda (Kepujian) dalam Pengajian Islam dari Universiti Malaya. Beliau juga merupakan Setiausaha Syarikat dan Ejen Cukai yang berlesen.