Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh dan Salam Sejahtera.
Alhamdulillah, all praises to Allah, the Most Merciful and Compassionate for His blessings in ensuring Baitulmal Professional College Kuala Lumpur (KPBKL) continues its journey to achieve its vision and mission in producing competent and holistic professional scholars, particularly for the development of the ummah.
Therefore, this website is one of the main platforms for KPBKL to convey the latest news on KPBKL to the students, parents and guardians, as well as other stakeholders and parties who are interested in KPBKL’s growth as a dynamic and progressive educational institution.
Since its inception in 1992, KPBKL not only has served more than 16,000 graduates so far, KPBKL also continues its efforts in implementing various initiatives in providing added value to its services and educational experience from time to time.
In ensuring the development of KPBKL in a comprehensive and effective manner, 5 strategic targets have been crafted in supporting the positive transformation of KPBKL:
Alignment and development of KPBKL’s branding: Strengthening digital marketing through the website and social media presence to be more aggressive and up-to-date is expected to make KPBKL an entity with closer relationships with its communities and at the same time, expanding KPBKL’s branding. The expansion of KPBKL’s digital influence is also positioned to reach out to markets beyond asnaf, including international markets.
Increased Academic Quality: KPBKL strives to ensure the quality of the curriculum, teaching and learning are at optimum levels and fully accredited. Other than that, alignment of programmes to develop new, high potential programmes is also heightened in providing relevant and beneficial programmes for students. The teaching staff are also supplemented with support for research and publications in the enrichment of the corpus of knowledge.
Students’ and learning experiences: KBPKL is committed to providing a conducive learning environment through its exceptional and trusted facilities and services to the students. The innovative and effective digital learning approach is also implemented. The enrichment of learning experiences through exposure to external environments off campus is also important, aligned with KPBKL’s intent to produce holistic and competitive graduates.
Positive work culture and increasing the value of human capital: Among KPBKL’s focus is instilling positive work culture based on performance and productivity, which is supported with opportunities for workforce development through research and value creation.
Relationships with communities: Whether it is internal or external relationships, KPBKL nurtures the spirit of silaturrahim for stronger bonds in inculcating a positive learning experience. The active involvement of the industry is also propelled through shared research, grants, sponsorships, student career development, industrial training placements and collaborations. The KPBKL Alumni Association is also a driving force to potential and current students through sharing and contributions.
With that, I hope that KPBKL’s official website can provide guidance and latest information that would be useful to all visitors in fulfilling the needs of the fast-developing world in this digital era, especially in living up to its targets and excellence. I am also open for any constructive suggestions and views for the improvement of KPBKL.
In closing, thank you very much to those who visited KPBKL via this channel and hope that the information that has been shared and acquired through this channel will benefit all in its own way.
Chief Executive Officer
Baitulmal Professional College Kuala Lumpur